
Drishti IAS Hindi Literature Printed Notes

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹249.00.

Drishti IAS is a Hindi medium coaching institute in Delhi. It provides coaching for UPSC and state PCS exams.

Drishti IAS Hindi Literature Notes is developed under the guidance of Vikas Divyakirti Sir. These notes are in PDF form and cover the complete syllabus of Hindi Literature Optional as per the syllabus of UPSC Mains. The notes are written in very precise manner and provide comprehensive study of Hindi Literature. For any query call us on 7678651778.


Drishti IAS Hindi Literature Printed Notes

Cover Number Of Topics

  1. कहानी और उपन्यास में तुलना 
  2. कुबेरनाथ राय
  3. दृष्टि गद्य साहित्य क्लास नोट्स
  4. दृष्टि पद्य साहित्य क्लास नोट्स
  5. भारतेंदु युग 
  6. साहित्य की प्रासंगिकता
  7. हिंदी काव्य – व्याख्या खंड 1 
  8. हिंदी काव्य – व्याख्या खंड 2 
  9. हिंदी भाषा की ध्वनि व्यवस्था 
  10. हिंदी स्वातंत्र्योत्तर कहानी


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