
Book For DU LLB Entrance Exam


Book For DU LLB Entrance Exam. this exam conduct by Delhi University for undergraduate and post graduate candidates. you can buy this book call at our helpline 7678651778.


Book For DU LLB Entrance Exam. this exam conduct by Delhi University for undergraduate and post graduate candidates.

Beneficial points of Book

1.This book consist best topics for exam

2.Book quality is best

3.So many solved papers for practice

4.Comparison other site this book has much syllabus.

5.You can buy this book from our site

Onlinekhanmarket provides this book specially for banking sector exam preparation to the students this book written by best author and its contents covered all important topics for exam. Its has best material for IAS,IPS,UPSC ,SSC ,and other competitive exam.

Best site for material, notes and books at reasonable price you can ordered online we will delivered material at your doorstep. Onlinekhanmarket best and trusted site.

Book For DU LLB Entrance Exam contains best topic for exam as follows…

1.English language and Comprehension-This subject covered some followings topics like

1. idioms and phrases

2.reading comprehension

3.antonyms, word substitute etc.

Current Affairs

1.This sections consists what recent happening around us,

2.Important news,

3.mostly part past one year

4.candidates should be aware what happen related India and related countries.

3.General Knowledge

1.This section have no specific syllabus.

2.Various subjects Topics like Geography



4.Quantitative Aptitude

1.Preliminary mathematics (up to X grade).


3.Profit and Loss

4.Average Ratio

5.Analytical and Logical Reasoning-



3.Relations etc.

6.Legal Awareness and Aptitude



3. An in-depth knowledge of the country’s judiciary

4.Fundamental rights and duties

5. legislature

6.Includes basics of Criminal law,

7.Civil law and law of tort.

Contact Information 

1.Students visit our site and choose best material for your exam preparation you can also call us our customer support number for query 7678651778.

2.You can see more books for other competetive exam like UPSC,SSC,RBI,RRB, BBA Entrance exam book


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