
11 Years UPSC IAS Prelims Topic-wise Solved Paper

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11 year UPSC /IAS prelims question solved paper In Hindi


The UPSC Prelims consists of the two objective type papers which is the General Studies I and General Studies II or the CSAT for the total of the 400 marks. Both papers are here held on the similar day in the two of the sessions by the offline mode which is the pen-paper. The Prelims Admit Card will be declared on the official website of the UPSC before the 2-3 weeks here for the date of the exam.

11 Years UPSC IAS Prelims Topic Wise Solved Paper

The General Studies Paper-1 has the Syllabus as the follows:

Current events of national & international importance, History of India & Indian National Movement, Indian & World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World, Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, Economic and Social Development and Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, and more, General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity & Climate Change- in a very basic way here, General Science

UPSC Prelims date will be soon declared for this year. The following strategies will help the students to get good in the exam. Current Affairs have been an important part of the UPSC Prelims. Therefore the, aspirants will have to plan for the Current Affairs here as they have the updated information on the similar incidents on a daily basis.

Important sources for the preparation of the current affairs for UPSC exam here are:

Yojana Magazine, Newspapers like The Hindu/The Indian Express), Press Information Bureau (PIB), Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)

Solving the Past Years’ UPSC Question Papers will give you a high of the positive impact on your preparation for the IAS Exam here in the many of the platforms. One will be very surprised to check the advantages for one self when the undertake the exercise for a sometimes. A lot of many of the IAS aspirants have to avoid the Previous Years’ UPSC Question Papers and choose to solve the Mock Test Series here.  The reasons will be different from student to student. However, the top most prominent here reason is of the convenience to do the exercise. A large majority of the IAS students go for the joining of a regular IAS classroom coaching institution, they feel think that it will be easier for them to prepare for the exam in that way.

The study material and the Mock Test Series which are given here by IAS coaching(s) are here of the major crowd pullers here in these institutions. Here all of the IAS aspirants are wanting to be aware of the large syllabus that UPSC given for the Civil Services Exam. Therefore, almost nobody will not agree with that the UPSC Exam pattern is not easily understood. An IAS aspirant will not be able to understand the similar simply by checking in the last year’s question paper only once.

Many a times, the IAS aspirants start here with preparing for the Exam and don’t be paying much of the attention to the type of the questions that will be asked in the Examination. But still, understanding the kind of the questions must be the first thing in order to plan for the CSE in a best manner.

The kind of the task of understanding many of the types of the questions give you the brilliant opportunity of get to know the various types of the question patterns too. Just pay a thought to it. The very mechanism of telling of the question papers from the past years gives here you with the kind of the questions which will be asked for every of the Papers.

Yojna IAS has the 20 plus years of the experience in this UPSC preparation, and all their best faculty have created this book. Yojna IAS has the top reviews and ratings by the alumni and they are appreciative and Yojna IAS gives the guidance and the mentoring which will motivate the students to crack the IAS exams. Yojna IAS is here to help you crack this tough IAS exam with very ease.

The 11 year UPSC /IAS prelims question solved paper In Hindi book here is very good and has the all past’s 11 years question paper here in this book, plus all of them are solved too so that you can have the answer to each and every question which has been asked previously here. The detailed and step wise questions and their solution has been given here to make the students job easier here.

Referring to only this book itself will make the preparation of the Prelims exam very simple too. Therefore this book will be a beneficial purchase here for the same. The plus point here of this book is also the fact that it is in the Hindi language and therefore will help all the students who are not that fluent in the language of English here.