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Braintree Anthropology Handwritten Notes by G.S KARTHIC


Braintree anthropology by g.s Karthic covers a total of 3 booklets. It covers the entire syllabus of the Anthropology optional subject, relevant to the UPSC Mains Exam. The booklet is in PDF form and the total number of pages are 884. The booklet covers Meaning, Scope & development of anthropology, Nature of culture and society, Political, organization, and social control and Phylogenetic Status, Characteristics, and Distribution of human fossil ancestors, etc. For any query call us on 7678651778.


Braintree Anthropology Notes BY G.S KARTHIC


Braintree Anthropology BY G.S KARTHIC covers a total of 3 booklets.This notes covers some major topics Meaning, Scope & development of anthropology, Nature of culture and society ,Political, organization and social control and Phylogenetic Status, Characteristics, and Distribution of human fossil ancestors , etc.

Contact Information

For more inquiry any notes related you can call us 7678651778.

Publisher:- BRAINTREE
Language:- English
Year:- 2023
Pages :- 884
Type of Book:- E-Book
Exam:- UPSC , IAS exam